Car Wraps Vinyl For Interior Applications
If you’re interested in car wraps or vinyl interior applications, chances are your car is an important part of your life. There are dozens of exterior wrap and chrome delete applications that can truly make your vehicle stand apart, but the quality of vinyl product and installation can ultimately determine whether you get the results you want.
One thing that will get attention and turn heads for the wrong reason is poorly applied car wraps or subpar interiors. RPM Automotive can ensure that doesn’t happen.
Exterior Vinyl Wraps
Vinyl wraps allow motorists to transform the appearance of their vehicle’s exterior quickly and affordably. Exterior wraps are available in many colors and a variety of styles, from matte finishes or high gloss to black carbon fiber or color flip styles to satin or textures. Car wraps allow for intricate customization that looks slick, unique and professional at a tiny fraction of what it would cost to replicate with paint.
Exterior Vinyl Wrap Installation
There are a lot of DIY exterior vinyl car wrap kits available online, and the practice of wrapping one’s own car has become ironically somewhat popular. It’s ironic because people who invest in car wraps are generally those who really care about their vehicle’s appearance, but doing it yourself has the potential to make your car look goofy and unattractive, defeating the purpose of the whole endeavor.
Worse still, the frequent repositioning of the vinyl wrap that is sometimes necessary when untrained DIYers attempt to apply their own could damage the vehicle’s paint, potentially requiring expensive repairs or hurting resale value.
There are two installation techniques: wet installation and dry installation. The more professional of the techniques is dry wrap installation, and it entails:
• Thoroughly cleaning and drying your vehicle’s exterior
• Installing indoors between 70 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit (not really an option in most Scottsdale or Phoenix home garages during the summer)
• Carefully aligning the wrap where you want to place it
• Firmly pressing down the film once it’s in place
• Using a squeegee to further position, flatten and smooth the film
• Removing the film on top of the liner
• Pulling the vinyl taught and smoothing it with the squeegee (out from the center to the edges)
This is just a brief description that skips over a lot of the more detailed steps and tools you may need, like an air release tool, razor knife and tape. There’s plenty of room for error and even if you do it well for a DIYer, it may not turn out perfect.
If you truly want your car looking its best and to be a positive reflection on you, it’s best to invest in car wrapping from the professionals – and professional application is still far more affordable than paying for a paint job that could deprive you of your vehicle for weeks.
Interior Vinyl
People’s tastes in vehicles are as diverse as there are car, truck and SUV makers, so an interior that appeals to one driver may look wretched to someone else. What can you do if you find a car that looks great on the outside and performs wonderfully but has an unattractive interior?
Interior vinyl applications let you decide exactly how the interior of your vehicle should look. There are some dash kits you can purchase online for cheap, but the aesthetic invariably reflects the price. Even if a vehicle owner follows the instructions to the letter and gets everything put back together properly, it’s still hard to make these budget DIY interior vinyl film jobs look the way you want.
RPM Automotive takes a custom approach, using top-of-the-line materials combined with customized designs and handcrafted modifications to ensure it looks like your car rolled off the assembly line with a carbon fiber (or matte black, red gloss or whatever else you’d prefer) interior.
Chrome Delete
Some people like chrome accents around grilles, doors, windows and elsewhere on their vehicles – but many don’t. RPM Automotive can make your vehicle’s chrome disappear and either replace it with a striking accent color (red, gold, etc.) or match it with your vehicle’s current paint color to create a beautiful, seamless piece of art on wheels.
Chrome delete is detailed, time-consuming work, so you should consider working with professional detailers if you’d like to de-chrome your ride. You may have seen DIY chrome delete jobs go awry for yourself. Little bits of the vinyl overlap with grills or extend beyond the confines of the trim it’s meant to cover. This work takes time, patience and a precise, steady hand to do it right – and materials aren’t all made equal. You can buy a roll of 3M chrome delete for $20 – but chances are it will look like you paid $20.
At RPM Automotive, our reputation is dependent on exceptional materials and the quality of our work, which is why you can rest assured every chrome deleting project that comes through our garages leaves looking exactly the way you want it.
Get the Interior or Exterior You’ve Always Wanted
If you’ve seen a car, truck or SUV on the road, on TV or in a movie and thought “I wish my car looked like that,” RPM Automotive in Scottsdale can help. When it comes to interior vinyl application, car wraps and chrome delete jobs, we’re confident that our Scottsdale and Phoenix detailing team can perform a flawless job and give you the exact vehicle interior or exterior you seek.
Call us at 602.776.8888 to learn more about our vinyl application services or to learn more about some of the other detailing and vehicle modifications offered by our team at RPM Automotive.